Welcome to the
PES Model United Nations Society

What is a MUN conference?
A Model United Nations (MUN) conference is, as the name suggests, a simulation of the United Nations (UN) conference. Various bodies of the UN are simulated with different member countries being allotted to the individuals participating in the simulation. These individuals now represent their respective allotted countries as the delegate of that country, to tackle global issues tactfully and arrive at diplomatic solutions to global issues, through debate and analysis.
What is the PES MUN Society?​
The PES Model United Nations Society, or PES MUNSoc, brings together students of PES University, RR Campus, interested in participating in such MUN conferences held across the country. Through the concept of MUNs students have an opportunity to hone their skills with debate, and also improve other soft skills such as logical reasoning and analytical skills, in addition to improving their general knowledge and awareness surrounding issues that plague the world at large. The PES MUN Society was founded in 2013, and since then, we have gone on to win over 22 Best Delegation awards, with 7 of them being consecutive! From participating in MUN Conferences, in Bangalore and also across India, the PES MUN Society has won in prestigious institutions such as Vellore Institute of Technology MUN, BITS Goa MUN, NLS MUN, School of Law Christ University MUN, Jain CMS MUN, BMS MUN and many more.
For the Record

For The Record, or FTR, is the editorial by the PES MUN Society initiated in August 2020. At a time when the world almost came to a standstill due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the members of PES MUN Society, RR Campus, immersed themselves in current affairs to put forth opinionated and politically driven pieces through this editorial. ​The members of the PES MUN Society are passionate about world affairs and aim to analyse and create awareness of pressing issues that plague the globe. We want to use this blog for analytical pieces from budding diplomats, writers and journalists.
Our blog is a platform for the well-informed, the logical, and the rational. ​We encourage contributors to write articles dealing with various spheres — economic affairs, legalities, international policies, national policies, and much more — backed by solid research. We believe in the power of using one’s voice to spread some knowledge and spark debate, and we hope to grow our numbers through this medium. All members of the PES MUN Society, RR Campus are contributors to For The Record in one form or another.
Over time, FTR has developed a massive audience and its content has been seen by thousands of eyes. While we exclusively post opinionated articles on our website, we post fact slides, news updates and quizzes on our Instagram page, which has garnered over 2,500 followers.
Presently, For The Record is made of four teams:
Content Team - All the members of the PES MUN Society are contributing writers and thus, make up the content team. This team is handled by the Editor-in-Chief who is also the office bearer in charge of the editorial of PES MUN Society.
Editorial Team - The PES MUN Society's Editorial team comprises exceptionally talented and dedicated writers responsible for editing and curating content created by the Content team. This team usually includes 4–5 co-editors. A senior co-editor leads the team, and the Editor-in-Chief oversees their work.
Design Team - The PES MUN Society's Design team consists of exceptionally talented designers. This team is responsible for the visual aspects of the blog and Instagram page. The Head of Design oversees their work and, along with the Editor-in-Chief, manages the overall design efforts at the PES MUN Society.
Social Media Team - The Social Media team manages the website and Instagram page of the PES MUN Society. It is led by the Head of Social Media, who works alongside the Editor-in-Chief as a key stakeholder.
The content is curated based on monthly themes, as decided by the Editorial Team. It includes a mix of articles, fact slides, and quizzes. Check out our Instagram page to stay updated with all the content we post!